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  • 成立時間:2004
  • 所屬行業(yè):設計
  • 所在地區(qū):香港
  • 公司電話:(852)25919308
  • 地址:香港北角英皇道101號新翼9樓


  龍慧祺小姐畢業(yè)于美國俄勒岡大學,她憑著獨一無二的設計天賦及對室內(nèi)設計的堅持,獲選為現(xiàn)代裝飾國際傳媒獎年度女人氣設計師。龍小姐的設計屢獲殊榮,每個設計由不同主題出發(fā),在設計上有更大的自由度,她更根據(jù)個別項目的實際需要,于設計中加入獨特及別具創(chuàng)意的元素 。


  壹正從2004年起至今年已獲 97項海外及69項亞洲獎項,獎項來自美國、德國、意大利、英國、日本及臺灣等,包括九度獲得美國室內(nèi)設計雜志《INTERIOR DESIGN》年度最佳大獎。壹正在2012年更成為ANDREW MARTIN國際室內(nèi)設計大獎全球唯一的年度大獎得主,也是歷史上ANDREW MARTIN國際室內(nèi)設計大獎第16位獲獎者,同時更是第一位獲此殊榮的亞洲設計師。


  Graduating with distinction from Lee Wai Lee Technical Institute, Ajax Law continued his tertiary training at Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, where he completed a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Interior Design degree course. Following graduation, Law imbued architectural and interior designs in Hong Kong with his unique interior design philosophy projecting One Plus into the public arena.

  Graduating from University of Oregon, Virginia Lung had a unique talent, namely, the ability to create theme-inspired interior designs while maintaining the practical elements and functions of particular projects. With her unique design talent and perseverance in interior design, she was awarded the Annual Most Favorite Female Designer of Modern Decoration International Media Prize.

  They established the Hong Kong-based, award-winning interior design firm One Plus Partnership Limited in 2004. Their cutting edge designs and daring visions keep amusing the global interior design industry. One Plus’s creative inspiration for each project is focused on a specific theme. Each novel and unique design element is incorporated into the project keeping with the selected theme.

  Over the years, One Plus has been totally awarded 97 overseas and 69 Asian awards from USA, Germany, Italy, England, Japan and Taiwan until now, including 9《INTERIOR DESIGN》Best of Year Awards. In the year 2012, One Plus was being honoured as the sole winner for Andrew Martin International Interior Designer of the Year Award. Being reputed as ‘The Oscars of the Interior Design World’, One Plus is the first and only Asian interior design firm to have been awarded this accolade.

漢口城市廣場摩爾國際影城設計 >


南昌新華銀興國際影城 >


YOHO Midtown 住客會所 >

YOHO Midtown 住客會所
由城市加公園(URBAN + PARK)這概念所觸發(fā),整個住客會所是都市元素與園林特色的融合?!?/dd>

壹正企劃有限公司工作室設計 >
